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A (green) Apple a Day

I looove fresh fruit out of the garden... It's just the best! But did you know green apples are super healthy? I'm not just saying that because I don't like any other kinds of apples, maybe ;) But really, green apples have A TON of awesome health benefits!

Green apples have a bit more potassium which steadies heart rhythm. Also green apples have fibrous skin which stimulates saliva production, which ends up with you getting healthy teeth! Not only that but they also regulate blood sugar. What's the secret to weight loss? Green Apples! No joke. A study was done where women who had an apple before each meal, lost 33% more weight than women who didn't! And what's that important word again? Oh yeah, Antioxidants! But that's not all! They are filled with fiber, they prevent skin disease, they provide an awesome source of potassium, and only hasve 50-80 calories with no fat or sodium. Green apples are loaded with vitamins such as C and A.

How awesome right? I think I'll start a few more than just one apple a day!

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